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Philips Re-Aura

I've just bought the Philips Re-Aura... Yes, dear reader - I've bought the Re-Aura, rather than being handed one by Philips to try...  The Re-Aura is a much milder and lighter dose of Fraxel, suitable for home use.  The recommendation is to use it twice a week, for eight weeks, and then to take a break.

When I was researching the Re-Aura I was struck by the lack of independent reviews, and by how many of the free machines were handed out to women in their late twenties and early thirties... I understand that some want to arrest their development of fine lines and age damage - but surely those actually purchasing for themselves were more likely to be in their forties, and potentially older.

Indeed it's the main reason I actually started the blog - it struck me that their was a definite age gap for most of the beauty blogs - why are only women in their twenties and thirties interested in beauty?

I'm rapidly approaching my fifties (I've just turned 47), and to date I've done everything possible to minimise the affects of age on my skin.  I very rarely go in the sun, and as a result, I have minimal facial lines.  However, I've started to get age spots on my hands... <shrieks> Age spots, on my hands... Oh my!  I know why they've developed - it's sitting with my hands on the steering wheel, and must be rectified immediately.  Before I headed to the dermatologist, I decided to give the Re-Aura a go...  It's not the cheapest gadget (coming in at £799), but that's several thousand pounds cheaper than a series of Fraxel treatments.

I've had the Re-Aura for just over a week, and have only used it twice to date.  I've found it actually rather painful (most seem to), but I'm going to persevere...  No-one seems to post pictures of themselves during treatment, and that's probably because it turns you into either a burn victim, or reduced you to looking as though you've fallen into a bed of stinging nettles.  Most users declare that they use it before bed, in order to allow the redness to die down, but I'd recommend you do it early in the evening - I found it impossible to sleep for several hours after my first application.

The next time I use it I'll take a photograph of my hands and face before use, and immediately after use.  Then I'll update the blog as we're going along - let's see if it really does make a difference...

My Rating: too early to declare

Here's some of the technical information:

Technical specifications

Laser class: 1M
Laser type: Diode
Output wavelength: 1435 nm

Application areas

Face and body: Face, Neck, Chest, Hands, Arms

Items included

Charger: Multi voltage charger
Instructions for use: Demo DVD, Full user manual
Storage: Pouch


Charging time: 60 minutes, First charge 3 hours
Power system: Rechargeable battery
Running time: 1 charge treats all body areas
Voltage: 100-240 V

Safety and adjustable settings

3 intensity settings: 1 to practise, 2 and 3 for results
Child lock: Detachable tip as child lock
Eye protection: Impossible to shine into eyes
Overtreat protection: Locks for 24 hrs when overtreating


Guaranteed: 2 years global warranty

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